We had the pleasure of having a lecture from self taught all round creative Adrian Shaughnessy. It was more of a talk than a showcase of his work. He discussed what his book was about, which is what it takes to be a Graphic Designer. My attention was kept constantly throughout the lecture as it is an issue I am dealing with during my final stage of third year. He broke down the criteria he feels are what defines a good designer. These were cultural awareness, integrity and communication. He went into each subject with great detail, explaining what he meant by these three catorgories. He also mentioned you without question need talent, something expected on a design degree course.
The lecture made me question what my abilities were like in these areas. I can sometimes struggle with expressing my idea, whilst in my head I know exactly what I am trying to say. Practice makes perfect. It is vital to have this ability as the client needs to understand every aspect of your work.
This was a different lecture to previous but in no way less valuable, more academic and informative. Vital information for me to know when approaching agencies and studios.
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